When they say "Wow"

The best part about watching people walk into my space is hearing them say "Wow." When I look for inspiration, two things that draw my eye are rooms with an unexpected accent or rooms that show off a someones personality. 

The peacock in this photo is a good example.

The statement is bold. The colors and the height demand your eye. I peeped this pretty little bird on Save-on-crafts.com.

One click led to another. Those clicks led to others that revealed some of my favorite decorating pieces.

I have never owned a side table. They feel too predictable. This easel is my kind of eye opener.

My discount find:

Writing this blog has brought me into contact with amazingly talented lifestyle writers. It has also shown me that great design is not out of reach. 

Why can't you put a bird cage on a plant hook?

Who said you can't get the same things you see in the pictures?

French pillows in this room:

The stacked cases in this one:

A bell jar to display a group of objects

Whether it's just some quirky bauble you found on the fly or a vintage score, make your room an exclamation point.

Photo credits:1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 
All decorating items from Save-on-Crafts.com.   

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